Concept and Types of Fractions

What is a Fraction?

A fraction represents a part of a whole. When we divide a whole object or set into equal parts and take some of those parts, we get a fraction.

For example, $\frac{1}{2}$ means one part out of two equal parts.

Components of a fraction:

Numerator (shows how many parts we take) In $\frac{3}{4}$, the numerator is $3$
Denominator (shows into how many parts the whole is divided) In $\frac{3}{4}$, the denominator is $4$
Fraction Line (indicates division of numerator by denominator)

Types of Fractions

Proper Fractions

Numerator is less than denominator (a < b)

Represent a part less than 1

Examples: $\frac{1}{2}$, $\frac{3}{4}$, $\frac{2}{5}$

Means less than a whole (e.g., half a pizza)

Improper Fractions

Numerator is greater than denominator (a > b)

Represent an amount greater than 1

Examples: $\frac{5}{3}$, $\frac{7}{4}$, $\frac{11}{5}$

Means more than a whole (e.g., 1½ pizzas)

Unit Fractions

Numerator equals denominator (a = b)

Represent exactly one whole

Examples: $\frac{1}{1}$, $\frac{2}{2}$, $\frac{5}{5}$

Exactly one whole (e.g., a complete pizza)

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